This LGBTQ Personal Trainer uses They/Them Pronouns
They. They/Them. These are my pronouns. It’s (at best) a compromise. “She/Her” doesn’t feel right despite it being likely the most accurate. “He/Him” isn’t entirely wrong but every time I hear it now I squirm. They/them for me doesn’t say enough somehow but the options are limited and the more I hear it the more comfortable I become.
It’s a funny thing tho - although other’s pronouns are a top priority for me I can sometimes be horrible with my own. I misgender myself all the time. It’s a very certain flavour of deflating that lol.. And I’m really not great with correcting people. The advocating can be exhausting and can still feel quite intimidating.
It is a work that ebbs and flows. I move forward, sit for a bit and then move on again. We speak of gender being fluid and perhaps this fluidity also includes the ebbing tides of it. Perhaps my gender is like water. We move, we rest. We slowly shift the shores, wearing away what contains us, persistently cutting a new path.
So. I’m writing this to make it real clear to everyone that my pronouns are They/Them. And I’m writing this to encourage everyone to think outside gender binaries. You are who you are. And I would hate to think there is this gorgeous aspect of you living in the shadows because you’ve been erroneously taught there are categories and you need to pick one. You don’t. You transcend categories. Let’s all chalk this up to a clerical error a long time ago and get on with it, shall we?