Craig Jeffery Craig Jeffery

Exercise and Aging

Moving frequently and well now offers huge rewards as we age. As a personal trainer in Toronto one of my primary intentions is to produce lasting and meaningful movement habits in my clients. Here are some of the many reasons why that means so much to me.

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Craig Jeffery Craig Jeffery

Anxiety, depression and exercise

Anxiety and depression effect most of us in one way or other these days and although it is not the be all and end all, from the perspective of a personal trainer in Toronto (and science) upping your fitness and exercise in general can go a long way to helping you feel better. Let’s dig into the science (in as much as I can understand it).

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This LGBTQ Personal Trainer says Anyone can be athletic
motivation Craig Jeffery motivation Craig Jeffery

This LGBTQ Personal Trainer says Anyone can be athletic

A lot of people think they can’t be athletic. They are wrong. A lot of natural athletes spend most of their lives believing that they are anything but. Many of us had incredibly discouraging experiences when we were young around athletics and movement. Those experiences do not have to define our way forward.

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