A Queer personal trainer’s guide to sex part 1

A queer personal trainer in Toronto believes sex is good for us

Sex is good for us. Not everyone is into it and that's totally fine. Sex-pressure is gross. But for those who would like a bit of a reframe on sex, let's take a look at some of the many positives of regular sex. gay sex, straight sex any kind of consensual sex can have sweeping benefits and they are well worth familiarizing ourselves with. Pleasure is a good enough reason, but recognizing we are also doing some really amazing self care is the icing on the cake (or whatever you may be icing during your self care).

A queer personal trainer talks about the health benefits of regular sex

Aside from simply being pleasurable, sex (and sex adjacent business) seems to be quite good for all matters of our well-being. Without further ado, let’s take a dive into all of the goodness that sex and sex-related activity can bring!

A queer personal trainer in Toronto suggests THIS to help you get some shut-eye

We can all have trouble sleeping from time to time and that can ruin many a day, make us irritable and generally not function at our highest capacities. it can also make it harder to get to the gym. Exercise is actually really great at helping us fall asleep and stay asleep. Expect a post about that sometime in the future. ANOTHER really helpful antidote to sleeplessness is sex. Sex improves sleep (releasing the hormone prolactin - contributing to feelings of relaxation and sleepiness) and generally eases stress.

A queer personal trainer in Toronto talks about prostate cancer

Sex (or a possible aspect of sex) has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. One massive study of 30 000 participants, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that cis men who ejaculated at least 21 times a month were less likely to develop prostate cancer. That’s an incredible finding in a well-respected journal. What’s even more incredible? The study was then continued for an additional ten years. further confirming the initial results.

A queer personal trainer in Toronto speaks to your healthy heart

There are a lot of factors that go into having a healthy heart. Many many - a whole separate post unto itself to be sure. One thing is certian though - sex is one of those factors. Sex can help us keep a healthy heart. Sex helps keep our testosterone and estrogen levels in a healthy balance which can help contribute to a decreased risk of heart disease.

A queer personal trainer in Toronto states the very obvious

Rigerous sex is also exercise! With all of the benefits that come from working up a good sweat. Even not so rigorous sex can have some really fantastic exercise benefits.

A queer personal trainer in Toronto takes a minute for blood pressure

Sex lowers blood pressure. Many studies have made this correlation with one in particular noting that sex specifically led to lower systolic blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure is the first number on the blood pressure result which measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart beats. (The second number, diastolic blood pressure, measures the pressure in your arteries between heartbeats).

A queer personal trainer in Toronto talks pelvic floor health

Sex can help strengthen the pelvic floor in cis women and thus help to improve bladder control. The pelvic floor in cis women is tensed, pre-orgasm and this tension can have a strengthening aspect to it. Upon orgasm, the pelvic floor relaxes, which is also a good thing. Chronic holding in the pelvic floor can lead to all kinds of unwanted issues. Properly performed kegals can also great for both continance and sexual satisfaction.

A queer personal trainer in Toronto discusses cortisol

Research has also found that various forms of physical intimacy (sex included) helps to bring cortisol back to normal levels. Cortisol is the primary stress hormone. It has many necessary effects in a fight or flight kind of way, but becomes problematic if it remains consistently high with symptoms including weight gain and sleep disruption. It can also decrease your interest in sex.

A queer personal trainer in Toronto concludes

So in conclusion, have more sex (if that's your thing - it doesn't have to be no shame). And if you have been struggling to prime your libido (which is very common and again, nothing to be ashamed of) exercise can go a long way to helping with that (see the next post). A combination of aerobic exercise and strength training with weights will go a long way to help you get feeling better, sexier and more capable and desiring of a good romp. It will also make the sex feel richer and more physically fulfilling.

As a side note, there is a common belief that sex is good for your immune system but in reality this is actaully still very much up in the air. There is a study that has suggested a link but more research is needed.

That’s it for me this week! I’ll be back in two week’s time with a post about sex and exercise! See you all then!


An LGBTQ Personal Trainer’s Guide to Sex Part 2


A personal trainer’s things to consider making new year’s resolutions Part 4